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The History

The society was founded in 1967 at the Georgetown Secondary School. At that time there were many foreign members especially from Britain, United States & Australia.

Founder Members:-

President :

Mr. Lim Boon Hock
(Headmaster of Georgetown Secondary School)

Secretary :

Mr. Lo Joening HonFFSP, HonFBSC


Mr. Ooi Kok Swee

Committee  Members:

Dr. Donald Chuah


Brother Charles (Director of St. Xavier)


Mr. Collin James Andrews


Mr. Yong Kok Foo


Mr. Yeoh Khang Seong 


Mr. Chan Kin Souk 


Mr. Ooi Kang Yew


Mr. Teoh Hoe Peng

Past PSP


1967 :

Mr Lim Boon Hock

1972 :

Mr Yong Kok Foo

1976 :

Mr Yeoh Eng Jin

1984 :

Mr Lim Gin Chooi

1986 :

Mr Song Jin Tek

1997 :

Mr Looi Toong Hong

2000 :

Mr Ong Hooi Giin

2001 :

Mr Looi Toong Hong

2015 :

Mr Ooi Kok Chuan 

2017 :

Mr Chuang Kwong Sheuan

2019 :

Mr Ong Tat Seng, Francis

2021 :

Mr Tan Tong Toon, Terry

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Each year, PSP will conduct an inhouse competition for its members coupled with monthly organized photo outings. The inhouse competition was aimed at encouraging members in photography and learning from the entries as then there was no internet and depended on either printed materials or contests of this manner to view works of others. This had been the norm until the turn of the new century. At the same time the society also co-organizes with the state government and photography dealers to promote photography in the state of Penang. Such organized activities include photo contests, photo seminars, slide shows and photography outings. And slides shows often draw a large crowd.

The inhouse competition was also meant to create friendly internal competition and grading amongst members with successful ones being promoted into the Senior Photographer Section.

In 1973 PSP started the first photo salon in Malaysia -1st PENANG PHOTO SALON. The last of this series of salon was the 7th PENANG PHOTO SALON.

In 1980 Song Jin Tek was appointed the Salon Chairman by PSA.  He then organized the 1st PENANG INTERNATIONAL PHOTO SALON in 1982 which was recognized by the PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA  (PSA) & FEDERATION DE L¡åART PHOTOGRAPHIQUE (FIAP). 42 countries participated in this salon with about 3000 over entries. He with the assistance of his Secretary, Ho Cheng Woh, Peter, had since then been organizing  this PENANG INTERNATIONAL PHOTO SALON once every 2 years. The last salon was the 10th Penang International Photo Salon in 2001. In the 10th Salon, Yeap Khee Yong was the Secretary.  However after a lapse of 16 years, the 11th Penang International Salon 2017 was hosted again under the Chairmanship of Jeff Khor Sek Min with Ho Cheng Woh, Peter again as the Secretary, incollaboration with the society's 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Salon Photography used to pull in the crowd, whereby, before the advent of the the internet, as it was the only means for photography enthusiasts to view at first hand photo images via slides or printed in the competition venues. The scenario has changed completely now with pdfs, websites and social media, making the monitor as their viewer.

In the year 1984, Song Jin Tek was the first photographer in Malaysia to become the world best top ten photographer and became a 5 Star Photo Exhibitor of the PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA.

In 1983, Song Jin Tek ( Honour Award Chairman ) was responsible in planning for the guide lines for the PSP Honour Awards. With this PSP became the first society in Malaysia with an Award system based on the evaluation of submitted works of photographers.


In the year 1997, Looi Toong Hong (President) organized the 16th CONGRESS OF THE FEDERATION OF ASIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC ART (FAPA 1998). It was a big event for the society which for the first time had dwelled on a congress at international level. More than 400 participants from 17 countries took part in this congress which was held in Penang. Photo outings were organized at most of the scenic spots of the island. It even took them to Cameron Highlands for more scenic spots.


In 2002 Looi organized the "The Beautiful Penang - FROM THE WORLD CHINESE PHOTOGRAPHERS¡å PRESPECTIVE." This was jointly organized by The Society of Worldwide Ethnic Chinese Photographers and The Photographic Society Of Penang, and sponsored by the Penang State Government. Held in Penang for 5 days from 20th - 25th September in 2002 the event consisted of a photography exhibition, a seminar, outdoor photography sessions, dinners, cultural performances and many other exciting activities aimed to provide more interesting images of Penang for the book "Ooh! Penang". The selected images were published in this book and the event which incidentally was also a photography contest organized by PSP in conjunction with its 35th anniversary.

In 2008, George Town, The Pride of Penang Photo Heritage Trail another project by Looi,  also attracted around 400 pariticipants. Many of them were from China and a number of them were here before under the 16th FAPA Congress in 1998. It was partially sponsored by the Penang State Government, Tourism section under Dato Kee Phaik Cheen. This was inconjunction with the celebration of George Town as a Heritage Site on July 2008. Multi culture and heritage builidings were the focus of the trail. A ferry was even booked for sunrise photography of the island from the sea.

Then in 2014, the 24th Congress of FAPA was hosted in Penang by PSP under the Chairmanship of Looi Toong Hong. This is the 2nd time around that the FAPA Congress is hosted on the island by PSP. It attracted around 400 participants with a large number from China treating them to our multi cultural festivals - Thaipusam especially which to the majority of the participants was a feast for the eyes and also to their palates with our Penang food.

Time flies and before we know, we have touched 50. The 50th Anniversary Dinner 2017 was celebrated with a big gathering at Lot 33 Prangin Mall, Komtar with past and present members and a strong support from other local member societies. Awards from HonFPSP, MEPSP, the long awaited HonEFAPA and certificates of Appreciations were handed out to our backroom boys who had played a great part in bringing our society to what it is today. Terry Tan Tong Toon, the appointed 50th Anniversary Chairman did a great job.
A few years ago, Penang Photographic Society of Penang had a dream and inspired to organize a conference for all photographic artists in Asia.

Then, we had another dream. In commemoration with the 35th Anniversary, we were inspired in publishing a photographic book which is truly the brain-child and efforts of Penangites, which we can proudly call "Ooh! Penang".

We are zealous to make the Pearl Of the Orient known to the whole world and let the pearl shine again. This is our pledge to our motherland-Penang.

We were born and rooted in Penang. We can see marks and legally of till and toil of our forefathers. Everyone of us in our childhood were amazed by the beauty of the hills and the shores of Penang that those who have left the island to stay elsewhere will suffer some degree of homesickness with a strong desire to come back to Penang again, our motherland.

It is the inspiration of all Penangites to keep our edge and to nurture our rich cultures and heritage. With this inspiration and admiration, we the photographic artists pledge to snap and capture every aspect of the life and the emblems of Penang and put all our effort in a photography book which depicts the eternal beauty of the Pearl of the Orient.

The new millennium has witnessed the change of guard and towards the 2020 another change has taken place. The seniors who have made the society as it is has left the responsibility to the young. Term as young, they are no more young as most are towards the fifties and full fledged in handling the burden and march on in builiding the society to greater heights.

March 2022 by
Peter Ho
Secretary 1983-2000. Web Master from 2007